Transform your wholesale connectivity with Network Platforms

The ICT service provider, Network Platforms, delivers intelligent solutions tailored to suit the needs of any modern business, offering an array of high-quality products, including connectivity, solutions, virtual private networks, VoIP, IT consultancy, and focused, organisation-specific management services.

Network Platforms supply Internet Service Providers (ISPs) across Africa with wholesale connectivity at extremely competitive rates.


Network Platforms has peering points at NAPAfricaJINX, CINX, LINXDE-CIXAMS-IX and DINX.

The IP Transit service includes NTT, Cogent, Telia, and Level 3, which is picked up in London via two diverse points-of-presence (POP) – Telecity Harbour Exchange and Telehouse East.

This positions the company to provide one of the best local IPT services in terms of quality and redundancies.

Businesses can get IP Transit and a direct link to the London Internet Exchange (LINX) at very favourable per-Mbps rates. Network Platforms also offer the option of Layer 2 services to London, so businesses can pick up Tier 1 providers directly in London.

Network Platforms also offer monitoring as a standard service, with immediate notification if there are any issues. Customers automatically gain access to its graphical interface, which offers a quick overview of the capacity they are using. It ensures clients are informed of usage and capacities at all times.


To assist with bandwidth management, Network Platforms offers a burst model, so businesses only pay for the used bandwidth on the 95-percentile usage. There are three options on burst – 30%, 50%, and 100% burst over the commit information rate.

Network Platforms also offers Wholesale National Long Distance, which includes a protected service between Teraco Durban, Teraco Johannesburg, and Teraco Cape Town at very competitive rates.


For its wholesale connectivity services, Network Platforms harnesses the capabilities of the three international cable systems – SAT3WACS, and EASSy – as well as multiple local routes and Tier 1 upstream providers that connect to the point-of-presence in London for fast connectivity and high-quality of traffic.

The service is uncontended, capacity-based, and unmetered, or a bandwidth model crafted to unique specifications, with a 99.9% SLA.

To ensure superior performance, Network Platforms has also implemented the Noction Intelligent Routing Platform – a border gateway protocol (BGP) optimisation application that examines and scores the different paths to determine the best-performing route and applies the changes to the core routers, so should latency increase on one path IRP will modify the route to a better performing path.

Within the first month of being live with Noction IRP, Network Platforms saw 53,732 unique prefixes being improved, with 42% of them being improved by loss reason and 52% by latency reason. The average loss rate dropped from 45% to 7%, reducing the average loss rate by 84.44%.

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